Submit Your Story

In response to the number of high-quality submissions we get from our community, we’ve created a space for you, our ordinary, extraordinary readership, to tell your stories.

We firmly believe that by sharing and learning about experiences that differ from our own, we can increase empathy and understanding of others and of ourselves, gather the tools and inspiration we need to live at our full potential and contribute to wider conversations around feminism, race, gender and identity, the environment, activism and social justice.

We recognise the under-representation of womxn, people of colour and the queer community in the mainstream media, and in an effort to redress that imbalance, and to offer a platform for emerging writers and achievers who may otherwise be overlooked, we welcome submissions from people whose lived experiences fall within those groups.

We invite you to give us an outline of your story in the form below. Those most closely matching our ethos will be published.

Rosie Leggett